TOOT! TOOT! I know my mind!

Jeremy & James and...HEY, spot the cat in this picture! I just saw it. These guys are playing the old game called

In Ohio the grocery stores are called GIANT EAGLE. There is also a restaurant called MR. HERO. When I was
a kid in North Olmstead there was a Mexican Restaurant called CAP'N TACO. If you opened a health food
store in Streetsboro you could name it NOBODY IS GOING TO SHOP HERE SO WE ARE GOING TO GO

See those dishes? I didn't do them, NO WAY. That shirt slays me and I don't even have a sister. In an unrelated
thought, I really don't think I like when people say "RIGHT ON". When people say PIN NUMBER, that drives me
bonkers too. And do you know that store DALLAS SHOE WAREHOUSE? Well, now it's called DSW SHOE WAREHOUSE
which really just means DALLAS SHOE WAREHOUSE SHOE WAREHOUSE, I get mad at so much stuff.

This cat is called Julia, she has a giant sack of loose skin on her belly. She is a yowler and is sweet and likes wet food
which is so totally gross because of that gel that it comes in.

This is the food at Chrissie Hynde's mega-vegan restaurant in Akron. Do you see that pickle on that plate? That
should give you some kind of idea of the food hi-jinx that go here. I ordered the orange construction
paper cardboard mountain that you see at the bottom of the picture. There's an infamous story about Chrissie in Ohio
that she put a cigarette out on a patron's hamburger at a Country Kitchen late one night in the early 1990s.
So, apparently it's totally ok to inhale burning rat poison and then ruin a person's meal but it's not such a good idea
to, um, I don't know...EAT? If you're a vegan that smokes, you mostly have no idea what you're talking about, ever.

The economy in Akron, Ohio is in such good shape that they can advertise this sort of thing rather freely.

I call this digital photo "Jim Newberry & I Used This Bathroom On The Way To Memphis, TN 2008". As an
avid shutterbug himself, Jim took a number of pictures in Memphis as well. THEY'RE LENSTASTIC!

This ice cream cone is in Hayti, Illinois.

WELL, WELL, WELL, it looks like old Bob Mehr finally unpacked his belongings and decided to stay a while.
O ne night Jim & I assembled everybody and Memphis and asked WHO HERE DOESN'T KNOW BOB MEHR?
Absolutely nobody raised their hand and then a voice came from the crowd to ask, DO YOU WANT

That's Mr. Hayes' kooky blue Cadillac. It's going to drive Scientology into the cosmos!


I called Bill Eggleston and I was all like, SHOULD I TAKE A PICTURE OF THE SIGNS AT McLEMORE
& COLLEGE? He as all like YEAH DUDE, DO IT!


As I took this picture some teenagers rounded the corner near me and said, "What do you think you're doing?" To which
I could only reply, "I don't know".

WE GOT THE HOT FISH! IT WAS GOOD! It turns out that's an off-color term for women for sale, J/K!

HERE IS HOT FISH! This is a nice lady, she thought I was Richard Greico, so I was all like, "WHATEVS".

This Memphis cat had ticks! We named it HOT FISH. Next door was a housewarming party with a league
of goons drinking Coors Light, Newbs got to second base with a successful realtor!

This sign is at a Comfort Inn in Streetsboro, Ohio. The people at this hotel are very friendly!

Here is another sign from the same place. YOU WILL NOT GET A REFUND!

This bird is thinking about eating my eyes, it totally hates my guts. I had to feed it grapes n' stuff.

This bird is thinking about eating my eyes, it totally hates my guts. I had to feed it grapes n' stuff.

I went to school at this place! I used to cry because I did not know how to write in cursive. That stuff is hard!

I went to school here too! That stain has been on the roof for 28 years, no joke.

The people that own this bakery used to live across the street from me on Kennedy Ridge Road
in North Olmstead, Ohio. I hit one of them in the eye with a rock when he was 8. I also think he
took my Atari 2600 controller. The canolli here are just ok.


Hey Dom, sorry this wasn't as good as usual. I really want to go to sleep.