"BUCKTOWN WALLY POOL TABLES BUCKTOWN WALLY POOL TABLES IS BUYING EIGHT FT. AND NINE FT. POOL TABLES,NEW OR USED. EMAIL WALLYSHUFFLE@AOL.COM. BUCK TOWN WALLY IS BACK AND IS BUYING ALL EIGHT FT. AND NINE FT. POOL TABLES. EMAIL WALLYSHUFFLE@AOL.COM. BUCK TOWN WALLY IS BUYING POOL CUE STICKS 57IN,ONE AND TWO PIECE,SETS OF BALLS,WALL RACKS,NINE BALL RACKS,CLOTH 21 22 OZ BACKED,SLATE,CHALK,DROP POCKETS,CUSHIONS,RAILS,FRAMES POOL TABLE LIGHT FIXTURES,CLOCKS,SIGNS. EMAIL WALLYSHUFFLE@AOL.COM. BUCK TOWN WALLY IS BUYING EIGHT AND NINE FT.POOL TABLES. WALLYSHUFFLE@AOL.COM. YOU CAN DELIVER YOU POOL TABLE OR BUCK TOWN WALLY CAN PICK UP. BUCK TOWN WALLY WILL BUY YOUR POOL TABLE. EMAIL WALLYSHUFFLE@AOL.COM." Wally, I have a pool table in my basement, it looks to be from the 1980s or 1990s. It was here when I moved in. It says Olhausen on the side. How much to you generally pay for pool tables? Derek "WHAT SIZE IS THE POOL TABLE" 9'x4.5' DO YOU HAVE A CAPS LOCK BUTTON? "bucktown wally is interested in buying your nine ft. pool table,but can you provide more information like does your pool table have a ball return or drop pockets,how is the cloth,is your pool table taken apart and ready for pick up,is your pool table in the basement or garage etc, do you live in chicago or suburb, overall what condition is it in. what is the highest offer that you got so far. bucktown wally is interested in buying your nine ft, ohlhausen pool table at a reasonable price." It is a drop pocket table, the cloth is in perfect shape, the whole thing has been covered in a heavy tarp since I moved in. Nothing was stored on top of it. It is in a room near a garage so no steps will be used. Unfortunately it has not been taken apart, I would know how to do that! I live in Bucktown in Chicago. Another guy offered me $175 but he has not seen it, just over the email. "bucktown wally is very interested in buying your nine ft. olhausen slate pool table. the price is nice. is there any way i can stop over and take a look at the pool table. can you tell me what busy streets you live around such as armitage and damen, etc and when is some one there."