"Rollie Fingers As A Mariner"

Dimensions: 40"x40"
$300 (Shipping not available)
Medium: Acrylic & latex on window.

For two weeks in the mid 1980s, famed baseball pitcher Rollie Fingers played for the Seattle Mariners. "OH MAN, THAT CITY IS THE WORST!" Fingers was later quoted as saying. "You can't find good BBQ anywhere!" Sports Illustrated reported on January 2, 2007 that Fingers owed the State of Wisconsin more than $1.4 million in income taxes dating back to his time with the Brewers (including $1.1 million in interest) and was at the time the seventh biggest tax delinquent in the state. Fingers disputed the claim, saying he was shocked when he learned of it in 2005 and that taxes were properly withheld from his Brewers paychecks.

This painting is part of the show: The Alligator, the Crocodile, Laughs, Lies & Some Great Things of the State of Washington at the Crocodile in Seattle, WA.

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Thanks a whole lot, you're the best: Kerri Harrop, Eli Anderson, Lacey Swain, Ruben Mendez, Sarah Moody, Pete Capponi, Rachel Byrd, Timothy Rysdyke, Jessica Oliver, Cienna Madrid, Grant Brissey, Travis Ritter, Julia Rickert, Emily Nokes, Tim Cook & YOU YOU YOU.