"El Duce Loves Mary Hartman"

Dimensions: 29"x41"
$300 (Shipping included!) / $250 (Picked up!)
Medium: Acrylic & latex on wood.

Eldon Hoke (March 23, 1958—April 19, 1997), was an American musician. According to Max Wallace and Ian Halperin, Hoke showed up at his friend Drew Gallagher's home on April 17, 1997, asking where he could go to get a fake driver's license. Hoke was incredibly paranoid and nervous at this time. When Gallagher asked what he meant, Hoke responded, "People get buried in cornfields, people get lost in swamps". The author claims that Hoke secretly informed Gallagher of who he was and told him that he had "killed Kurt Cobain." In life, Hoke was a huge fan of the television soap opera Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. In its first episode, Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman addressed a family that had been mass-murdered (including the goats and chickens) and the "Fernwood Flasher", who turned out to be Mary's grandfather. Characters on the show died in several bizarre ways, including bathtub electrocution (Jimmy Joe Jeeter), drowning in chicken soup (Coach Fedders), and impalement on an aluminum Christmas tree (Garth Gimble).

This painting is part of the show: The Alligator, the Crocodile, Laughs, Lies & Some Great Things of the State of Washington at the Crocodile in Seattle, WA.

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